Monday, April 26, 2010

Best advice i could give

The best advice i could give anybody would be to, "Love the deepest, laugh the loudest, smile the biggest, eat the mostest (just kidding), work the hardest, try to do your best, and be who the Lord called you to be. This is your life and the only one you will ever get, so make it worth while and leave behind a legacy."

"I want to leave a legacy

How will they remember me?

Did I choose to love?

Did i point to you enough?

I want to make a mark on things

Want to leave an offering

A child of mercy and grace

Who blessed your name unappoligetically

And leave that kind of legacy."

-Nicole Nordeman "Legacy"

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Sex and Dating

I think sex and dating is a very important subject in a young persons life. It is good for everyone to be aware of premarital sex and how dating relationships affect people. I think a very misunderstood concept in today's society is, "do whatever feels right." That isn't a very good saying to live after, because there are morals and so many things behind sex and dating, they are major life changing events that happen in every ones life. When dating another person you are giving them a part of your heart, people release a part of themselves to their significant other, that will always stay with that person. No matter how a relationship ends the other person will always take a peace of your heart. If you add sex onto that, well that's a whole deeper subject. Not only is sex suppose to be between a man and his wife, but it is a sacred and special bond. Having sex with another person not only ties you together physically but emotionally. That emotional bond will never be broken. The reason for this emotional bond, is because in the Bible the Lord says in Genesis 2:24, "For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh." Also in 1 Corinthians 6:18-20 it says, "Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a man commits are outside of his body, but he who sins sexually sins against his own body. Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? Therefore honor God with your body." So all in all be careful who you date and who you give your heart to, and save yourself for marriage so that man and wife will come together as one in spirit and in truth.

Sunday, April 18, 2010


For many teens driving is an amazing thing. It gives them freedom and they also don't have to rely on their parents to take them somewhere when they can just go by themselves. This is also a way i think for parents to test the trustworthiness of their kids, but other than that its great, except i have one problem...I am afraid to drive. So i know how to drive, i have taken the course, and I'm not terrible at it, but i am so afraid of four way intersections. I think for not only me, but for the safety of other drivers I'm might stay off of the road for a little while longer. haha Anyways but driving shows i think a maturity and show that a person is growing up and is able to take on responsibility. So you people that drive don't take it lightly, its a privilege not a have to.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

High School

High School can be a fun, exciting, scary place. Most of the time you don't know what to expect. When I first came to high school I was so scared, because ninth graders are suppose to be hated and be bullied because they are the underdogs, but really that wasn't true in my case. Freshman year was great, i had fun with friends but there was definitely still middles school drama to grow out of. Then came sophomore year, the in between year, because you are still and underdog, but you have something over the freshies. Being in tenth grade was fun because you knew more people and felt more comfortable in school, and for drama it kinda mellows out. Junior year is a blast because you are right there under the seniors, you pretty much have domination over two lower grades and you are rising seniors. Drama, well for my school its ceased to exist in my junior year, for some people I'm sure it was there, but for me well that was so last year. And finally Senior year, well my junior and senior year are connected because I'm graduating early but really its great, counting down the days till you get to head off for college, knowing and planning who you are going to be, be the top dogs of the school, getting special senior advantages, hey being a senior is awesome. I think high school only gets better as it goes along... or at least that is how it was for me. High School definitely is a growing period, if you look through the four years that people go through in high school they change so much and they start to become the adult that they will be for the rest of their lives, bum bum bum.... hahah no but it is great, and you definitely will never forget the "High School Years" so savor them.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Ranting about random stuff....

Here are some of my rants or pet peeves... I hate it when you to to the gym and there are all of these fit little skinny people. It makes you feel so intimidated. I guess that's why so many fat people don't, which isn't fair because they are the ones that really need to go to the gym. Its like when you step into the room and everyone is working out you stick out like a sore thumb, because you cant see every muscle popping out or you aren't a twig. Then again those skinny people had to start out somewhere so maybe a while back they were fat, but most likely they were just born with a fast metabolism and had been that way there whole life. That just inst fair, but everybody is born the way they are for a reason, i guess.

It is very comical when you walk into school and you see all these couples hanging around whispering to each other, "I love you." Saying"I love you," is not even the comical part, the comedy comes from the couple being so in love after dating for such a short amount of time. I just dont see how after knowing someone or really really liking a person for a short amount of time can amount to such a big use of words as, "I love you." But hey who am I to be the judge of other peoples relationships I guess if they really love each other we will find out on there wedding day.

A huge huge huge pet peeve of mine is personal hygiene! I hate it when people come to school, dirty, scummy, and you can deffinately tell a shower needed to be taken that day. I think it is good to have clean faces, fingernails, or whatever when you go somewhere not only for others around you but for yourself also. Being clean and haveing personal hygiene can show responsibility and shows that a person actually cares about themselves enough to take care of their body. The body is a temple and should be kept up like a holy sacred place.

I dont really know what that had to do with anything i just felt like ranting about those subjects.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


It took me a while to figure this out, but its one of those things that when you do figure it out you go, duh! that was obvious. When you smile and are happy it makes people want to be around you. If someone is always cheerful and smiling it allows others to feel comfortable and maybe have a sense of release, because someone is there to brighten things up a little bit. When anybody is happy and smiling it cant help but affect others around. So pop a smile and see how many people around you will return the gesture.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Self image

Self image is a major problem for many teens. Self image means the idea, conception, or mental image one has of ones self. The way people see themselves is very important, because the way you perceive yourself can make who you are. What i mean is if someone thinks they are ugly and worthless, they most likely will not succeed at much, because they already think that they cannot be anybody or anything. On the other hand if a person believes in themselves and says i am created in God's image it will give them confidence to be the person they where created to be. Lou Holtz said, "You were not born a winner, and you were not born a loser, you are what you make yourself to be." and one of the best quotes was said by Eleanor Roosevelt, "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." Every single person in this world is special, unique, and no two people are exactly alike, which makes every ones self wonderful and perfect in their own way. So look at yourself as an amazing, unique, one of a kinda person, because remember no one else is like you.